The Exchange Blog

News and updates from the Teaching, Learning and Employability Exchange at University of the Arts London


Enterprise and Employability funding winners announced

E&E awards blog postSEE has awarded curriculum development funding to support a range of innovative projects focusing on enterprise and employability in the curriculum. Want to apply? Applications for 2014/15 curriculum development funding will be announced in the Spring Term. Join the CLTAD mailing list to receive updates.

Find about the award winners below.

Self-publish and disseminate
Alex Schady, Louisa Minkin, Eva Weinmayr (AND Publishing), CSM & CCW: Fine Art/Design

A partnership development between Postgraduate Fine Art students and AND Publishing, which explores publication as a pedagogical space. Students will test new ways to circulate their work, create sustainable networks, and develop new publics and debates around their work.

The university gallery: programming, publishing and practice
Joyce Cronin, Karen Di Franco, CSM Afterall and CCW Chelsea Space: cross-disciplinary 

A project exploring 1) the role of the university gallery as a space for pedagogy through exhibitions 2) how publishing within the university could benefit student enterprise. It will involve a network of university art galleries, new research with students, and events.

Access through tools
Paul Bailey, Sophie Demay, Ken Kirton, Catherine Smith, Sarah Temple, LCC: Graphic Design

A student-led design festival exploring the construction of knowledge through design production. It will exhibit output from projects across the School of Design and incorporate a programme of workshops and talks, curated by and featuring students, staff and professionals.

Artquest, SEE, Wimbledon, Camberwell, CSM: Visual Arts

A project to create new online enterprise and employability resources that equip art graduates with knowledge and skills to sustain and develop their careers. The resources will articulate the impact and relevance of enterprise and employability for art graduates.

Look at the (e)state we’re in (LATEWI)
Jordan McKenzie, Patricia Ellis, CCW Camberwell: Fine Art Social Practice

A project engaging students in their local environment and community. It will offer students the chance to consider how social practice interests and skills might transfer to employment or self-employment opportunities, such as curating, arts media, technical knowledge, and education.



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