The Exchange Blog

News and updates from the Teaching, Learning and Employability Exchange at University of the Arts London

Digital LearningNews

Digital Learning Development in September and October

Now updated with October sessions.

We are pleased to share our upcoming staff development sessions that are open to all UAL staff across all colleges and departments. All sessions will be hosted online.

Your college may also have additional sessions available to you that you can find on ESS. Contact your college’s Digital Learning team if you have any questions.

If you have any questions about the sessions below, please contact us at

How to sign up:

Select the session title and a new tab will open. You will be directed to log-in to ESS and choose which session you want to sign up for. Within 2 business days after signing up, you will receive an Outlook calendar invitation with the details to join the session.


If you book a session and later need to cancel, please decline the Outlook invitation and cancel your booking in ESS. Cancelling your booking in ESS will allow other colleagues to book in your place.


If you attend the session, you may request that session’s recording from the facilitator at the end. If you are unable to join in real-time, you can browse the self-paced development library on Canvas (UAL staff login required). Please do not book a session that you are unable to join in real time just to request a recording. We will be posting more recordings on Canvas in October.

Upcoming sessions:

Join us to explore digital tools, discuss how to design your teaching and student support, and learn how to use the platforms we support.

TitleDate and time
Exploring Padlet. What is it and how can it support student learning?Tues. 13 Oct., 11.00 – 12.00
TitleDate and time
Designing video supported learningThur. 15 Oct., 11.00 – 12.00
Creating inclusive blended learning designsWed. 14 Oct., 11.00 – 12.00
TitleDate and time
Q&A: MoodleMon. 19 Oct., 14.00 – 15.00
Getting started with myblogWed. 14 Oct., 14.00 – 15.00
Teaching online with Collaborate UltraTues. 20 Oct., 14.00 – 15.00
Q&A: Collaborate UltraThurs. 22 Oct., 14.00 – 15.00
Getting started with WorkflowTues. 20 Oct., 11.00 – 12.00
Creating educational videos with PanoptoMon. 19 Oct., 11.00 – 12.00
Q&A: PanoptoThurs. 22 Oct., 11.00 – 12.00
Q&A: PadletWed. 21 Oct., 11.00 – 12.00

9 thoughts on “Digital Learning Development in September and October

  • Hello, I was wondering if it would be possible to include UAL Academic Support Online staff development in this development programme?

    I’d like to demonstrate how each Course team can connect their Moodle to each student’s total Academic Support environment, through a single hyperlink.

    Here, each student’s live provision updates in realtime. Student experience direct registration / entry to all Academic Support sessions through a single, unified registration process. This supports parity of access to all the Course, College and university Academic Support intended for each student.

    I’d also like to demonstrate how Course teams are using customised Academic Support Online landing pages. For example, as a place to introduce all live interconnected and complimentary provision (including unit-specific Academic Support resources) to Course Moodle pages.


    • This sounds like a great opportunity! I will email you to discuss this further.

  • Jheni


    The 17th of September is a Thursday, not a Wednesday. Please can you clarify the actual date.
    Thank you

    • Thank you for flagging. The Panopto session is Thursday the 17th. I have edited the day to reflect that.

  • Polly Kenny

    I haven’t been able to book on a how to use Panopto session. Will you be adding more very soon please?

    • Thank you for your interest in these sessions! We are finishing our schedule for October and will definitely be including more Panopto sessions.

  • nela milic

    Hello there, could you say sorry to whoever run Panopto training this afternoon – I had a meeting that run over it and just booked it again on ESS for 8th of October!

    • Thank you for letting us know. We look forward to having you join us in October!


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