The Exchange Blog

News and updates from the Teaching, Learning and Employability Exchange at University of the Arts London


Changes to Introduction to Study in Higher Education unit (ISHE)

In 2014/15 there was a review of the Introduction to Study in Higher Education unit (ISHE). Consultation took place engaging a wide range of lecturers, course leaders, unit leaders, students and programme directors. The University has agreed a number of changes to the unit which will be rolled out in a timely way over the next 12 months. There is no obligation to change ISHE for Autumn term 2015, but responses to the review will need to be reflected into the 2016 offer.  In summary the changes are as follows:

  1. The revised introductory unit will be rolled out for first year students in Autumn 2016.
  2. The ISHE title is archived and all ISHE units (for 2016 delivery and beyond) will be renamed as ‘Introduction to INSERT COURSE TITLE’ for every course to ensure that its local/disciplinary nature is reflected in its title.
  3. UAL will adapt validation requirements for the introductory units so that greater affordance is given to local adaptation to increase ownership and disciplinary relevance (You can find the full unit descriptor on the learning and teaching policy intranet page).

For more information please contact your college Associate Dean for Learning and Teaching.

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