New publication and launch videos: Frantz Fanon’s Black Skin, White Masks: Interpretations, Art & Pedagogy
Frantz Fanon’s Black Skin, White Masks: Interpretations, Art & Pedagogy is a new publication that brings contemporary eyes on Fanon’s seminal book. Comprised of 6 new texts that highlight Fanon’s legacy through the unique perspectives and lived experience that crystalise the dynamics of racial inequity still proliferating in our societies.
This publication makes accessible, and manifests in tangible ways, the varied concepts within Fanon’s texts, that have traditionally been seen as difficult to read. The contributor’s generous sharings of lived experience allows these to resonate within us and come into clear view; and in this sense have a transformative effect for us a educators. We encounter perspectives on intelligence, colonialism, memory and the photographic image, whiteness and social justice amongst many.

In September a launch event was held that invited UAL and external speakers to present and respond to the question:
Following Decolonising the Curriculum and Black Lives Matter movements, what now for arts pedagogy?
You can watch video recordings of the presentations here:
There are printed copies of the publication across all UAL libraries and you can download a digital copy here
We look forward to the discussions, ideas, reflections, and actions that might come from this publication and these recordings. Please stay in touch and feel free to share any thoughts, perspectives and ideas for collaboration you may have by sending an email:
We would especially love to hear reflection on how you may use this publication within your teaching and / or learning.
There will be subsequent events and materials to be shared throughout this coming academic year.

The publication contributors are:
Dr Gurnam Singh, Jheni Arboine, Rotimi Akinsete, Dr Amita Nijhawan, Anita Waithira Israel, Rahul Patel
The speakers at the launch event were:
Gurnam Singh, Jheni Arboine, Rotimi Akinsete, Amita Nijhawan, Nick Anim, Shahzeena Ahmad, Michael McMillan, Ahmed Masoud, Nicola Tagoe
The publication was curated and produced by: Nicola Tagoe, Rahul Patel and Gemma Riggs and supported by the Academic Enhancement Team in the Teaching, learning and Employability Exchange.